PENDANT: Gents 14kw winged globe motif pendant w/ irradiated blue, yellow, black, & white diamonds; 133 rb black dias, 0.8mm to 1.0mm = est 0.60cttw, Good/Black/Black; 149 irid blue dias, 1.1mm to 1.9mm = est 2.23cttw, Fair-Good/V.DeepslGreenishBlue/SI2-I2; 74 rb irid yellow dias, 1.0mm to 1.9mm = est 1.09cttw, Fair-Good/BrightYellows/SI2-I2; 252 rb & rd dias, 0.8mm to 1.9mm = est 2.16cttw, Fair-Good/G-J/VS1-I1; 4.36 inches wide x 2.33 inches tall; JPM tdmk; 70.02 grams. Southern District of New York